Tuesday, 22 Oct 2024
You are here: Home NP Newspaper & Library
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Each semester, the NP teachers and students contribute various kinds of articles to produce the school newspapers.

This is a great opportunity for the students to demonstrate their English skills in a variety of differents ways.  The newspapers consist of student work such as essays, horoscopes, comics, games, stories, news and much more.

All of this work is then compiled and edited by Ms. Jessamyn Morisette and distributed to all NP parents.

Click on the pages to take a closer look! 

Dara Star Magazine

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All NP teachers have access to the NP Library and Resource Room. This library provides the NP teachers with teaching materials, ideas, suggestions, worksheets, books, games, activities and more. It is fully catalogued and contains VCD’s, Posters, Flashcards, CD’s, various game props and of course books! This makes incorporating fun activities and games into the class an easier task.

If you’d like to contact the librarian directly you may e-mail them at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .
