I consider myself to be a very fortunate person. I am healthy, have a lovely daughter, Angie, who is married and living in Texas, and I have a great job. I am the Program Quality Assurance Coordinator and the Matayom 5 SEEK teacher at Dara. As a coordinator, I get to interact with a remarkable group of professional teachers and work in a collegial environment where we all work as a team with success in mind. As a teacher, I get to help students acquire new English language skills in a supportive learning environment. It is my belief that students learn best when lessons are based on topics believed to be relevant to their lives. Thus, it is my responsibility to create a relaxed and enjoyable classroom atmosphere that motivates students to participate. Accomplishing this is done through using a wide variety of teacher methods and tools that address various learning styles and student needs. My ultimate reward as a teacher is witnessing my students use what they have learned in real life by engaging in conversations and sharing information with other foreigners. As a coordinator, it is my privilege to promote the NP program and help it move forward as we approach official implementation of the ASEAN agreements. Yes, I am truly a lucky person to be living and working in Thailand.
Role Play Presentations